
Paste up.

While in wonderful Wellington over the weekend I spotted this sign on a pole in the middle of the CBD. It looked like the maker hadn't proofed it very well, so we helped correct it.

Much better.

As I was writing this a man mowing the lawns outside made a loud grunting yelp and I was overcome with fear of being first on the scene of a terrible accident. I get this feeling all the time and then pray that if it ever really happens that I get that whole super human thing inside me and don't just cower and cry.

As for the yelp, he seems fine?


Ruby in the Dust said...

The yelper might have been the author of the very poorly edited sign? And as for superhuman powers; I do believe you have some :)

Mia Wallace said...

Hurray for socially responsible editing! I'm confused about where the line between free speech and hate speech lies sometimes...

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