
That big ol' market.

The Auckland Art and Craft Fair was on this weekend past. It's always a biggie and I managed to stay true to my 'up all night' record I've set consistently in the past. I did remember this time to take some pictures (just of my stall but there are heaps here of the whole event) and some pictures were even taken of me (perhaps they should be left for only friends and family to see, me with no sleep face). Here are some below.

My first moon map.

Some 'charming' necklaces.

The lazy susan card stand I made in half an hour thanks to a hot glue gun, pretty proud of my efforts!

Some hand painted breakfast bowls.

My make shift rosemary Christmas tree. Why I took the photo from this angle I do not know, you can't even see any of the gift tags.

The mighty Istanbul map I bought when in Istanbul a few months ago!

Beeswax skull candles.

The world.

Pom pom wrapping paper!

And Taranaki!


the little look see said...

Your market stalls are looking mighty swish these days liv! :) next stop, opening a shop? (rhyme intended).

Unknown said...

so beautiful olivia! "your oyster" made me crack up.

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