
Craft 2.0

After a cancelled flight and a early morning wake up call, the boyfriend and I finally made it to Wellington (and Craft 2.0) last Saturday. It was super! As well as a great day at the New Dowse, we visited friends and were treated to some great stores and cafes (thanks to their local knowledge).

Gin (from Papercup) and our stall went really well. Thank you to everyone who came. And thank you to Craft 2.0 and the New Dowse for wowing me with your organisation skills.

Some pictures of our stall below!

Lastly, my purchase of the day.

Thank you Gin and Rom for putting us up and putting up with us too! :)


friend or doe said...

Man I really need to practice my photo face. I'm gonna put up some more photos on flickr. Including silly ones of your boyf! (just a warning) X

styler said...

i just loved how you two set up the sapce, it looked fantastic

lily, rosemary and the jack of hearts said...

hello! thank you! we had much fun doing it :) glad it was appreciated!

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