
Hello Rosie.

I had never heard of a 'Hello Rosie' slice before until last weekend. There in the cabinet of a favourite cafe (the delightful Shaky Isles in Kingsland) it sat with it's little 'Hello Rosie' sign.

Ever since I've been spotting them everywhere and tasted my first a few days ago. The flavour was intense but completely delicious. Hello Rosie, where did you come from?

My dear friend Rosemary, now based in Germany is thinking to start her own blog there and we've been tossing names about, most of which turned out to be already taken. So Rosie. Why not Hello Rosie? x


same old story said...

i love it! im so glad i pop up in your daily life as a slice!! intense flavour huh. awesome. well i check now for the name :)

Larissa said...

Hi there!

I awarded you a Best Blog Award on my blog, come and have a looksie!!

L xo

Mara said...

As I sit here reading your blog I am actually eating my own gluten-free version of Hello Rosie slice. How that for coincidence? Hello Rosie is a nice blog name.

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